
As summer turns to fall, managing your yard and keeping your lawn cared for is an important step to maintaining your landscaping and ensuring your house stays beautiful all year round.

From trimming tree branches to weed control, finding a trusted landscaping company in West Chester, PA, can make a huge difference when it comes to the work and time spent on your yard.

Clean Peak Landscaping is here to provide top-notch lawn services so you can spend more time enjoying your yard and less time maintaining it.

The Importance of Fall Lawn Care & Leaf Collection West Chester PA

While caring for your lawn is a crucial part of regular home maintenance, it should also be considered an investment into your yard’s future growth come spring and summer.

Even if you do not hire a landscaping company, it is still important to understand the benefits of prepping your yard for fall and what could happen if you neglect it. Here are a few things we commonly see when it comes to lawn maintenance in Chester County.

Benefits of Fall Yard Preparation

Aside from a beautiful yard, there are scientific benefits to keeping your yard clean and prepped all year round.

  • A Healthy Lawn: Collecting your leaves and keeping your yard maintained ensures your lawn’s health! Leaves can prevent sunlight and compact the soil, killing grass and damaging future growth in warmer seasons.
  • Disease Prevention: Did you know that leaving dead leaves on the ground can cause diseases in your grass and plants? Make sure to regularly clean up debris, tree branches and other leaves to ensure your foliage stays disease-free.
  • Earth-friendly: Mulching or composting your fallen leaves transforms them into nutrient-rich matter ideal that can be used for gardening and mulch.

The Potential Consequences of Ignoring Yard Prep

While it may be tempting just to ignore your yard when fall comes around, there are some good reasons that you should not do that, including:

  • Pest Infestation: Piles of leaves left on the ground can attract rodents and pests to your yard.
  • Safety Risks: Wet, uneven leaf piles on walkways can be a slipping hazard.
  • Mold: As the leaves get wet, mold and mildew can grow and further damage your grass and yard.

6 Ways to Prep Your Yard for Fall

Not sure what to do when it comes to fall lawn maintenance? Here are some of our suggested tips and tricks to ensure your yard is looking great as temperatures cool and fall comes to West Chester.

Clean your gutters

As the temperature begins to cool, it is the perfect opportunity to ensure your gutter system is in tip-top shape for optimal drainage. Early fall is the prime time to clean your gutters, as any debris from the summer months will have dried up and can be effortlessly removed. By proactively doing this, you will be able to keep your home’s foundation safe and sound and enjoy a clog-free gutter system.

Add fertilizer

As the lawn starts to lose its green color and turn brown, it is important to know that the roots are actively storing nutrients for the upcoming winter and following the growing season. To ensure a healthy lawn, it is crucial to fertilize during fall, which is the most vital time for this task. If you are unsure about when to fertilize your lawn during fall, it is recommended to do it six to eight weeks ahead of the first expected frost date.

Reseed your lawn

If you are looking to reseed your yard, late summer or early fall is the perfect time. Seeding your lawn in the heat of summer will likely result in wasted money and time spent on seeds and water. Instead, wait until the early fall when temperatures are slightly cooler and more ideal for seed germination.

If you are looking for some professional help with reseeding your lawn, Clean Peak Landscaping offers lawn care services to keep your property prepped and ready for fall with reseeding, aerating and other landscaping services.

Change your mowing height

As fall approaches, it is time to lower your mower height and cut your lawn 1 to 2 inches shorter than you have during the rest of the growing season! We suggest mowing at a shorter length until your grass stops growing in early winter once the ground goes into hibernation mode. This will keep your lawn maintenance minimal in the winter and ensure it is ready to grow in the spring. You can even go a bit shorter in the final mow to keep it close and well-kept during the winter months!

Put away your lawn furniture

Fall means fewer chances to sit on the patio, so make sure before it gets too cold, you store your patio furniture till spring. You will get more use out of your outdoor living furniture and give your lawn more space to breathe during the winter months.

Leaving your lawn furniture out can result in dead grass in those areas and potentially damage your furniture during the harsh winter months.

Hire a landscaping company

One of the best ways you can prep your home for fall is to hire a professional landscaping company that can manage the prep work for your yard, ensuring it looks great for fall and the coming months. At Clean Peak Landscaping, we provide all the popular services needed to keep your lawn looking fresh for fall. And with quality work and great service, you can enjoy your yard this fall instead of spending time raking it.

Lawn care services & Landscaping Services you can trust

We know every yard is different. That is why we take the time to understand your specific needs and unique lawn, allowing us to tailor your maintenance plan and landscaping services to what you need.

If you are looking for a professional team to help get your lawn ready for fall, give us a call and take advantage of a free estimate today! We will keep your green lawn looking good all year round.

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